Saturday, March 22, 2008


I love beginnings..wonderful opportunities to people watch (love the mating dance)and most of all to sit and feel the warm sun on your face...I have to admit I will miss the terrace I had in the bronx...I had made a beautiful rock garden...but won't miss the suddenly active car wash that was right behind me...
I love being out and about after hibernating all winter, and am particularly happy this spring cause I didn't gain weight...actually I lost...been holding at 170..once I start walking around, I will easily lose more...

now I'm not hung up on my size (size 6-8 pants, med to large shirt)...I stay off the scale on a regular basis (or I will obsess) and I watch my food...I eat healthy and in healthy proportions, I've cut the sugar somewhat (my weakness) and really been substituting good for bad foods...which leads me to two points...

one, being five three and 170, according to criteria is considered obese...but with humongous boobs (which I love and will show lots of cleavage when the weather is warm) and very heavy bones (when I had my accident they told me my bones are very heavy in comparison to others)and my love of lifting weights (without effort I can push 70 to 100- for a girl that's good)I'm not long as I'm not jiggling and shaking I'm good...

but why do I have to shop down town...every week me and bigbear hop the train to go to the "other" neighborhood to buy my hood there are no vegetable stands, no meat markets, and horrible supermarket that sell below average find nothing but pork and synthetic food...the only saving grace here is that folks eat lots of shrimp so the fish market is clean and well stocked...but I can't shop out here...the vegetables are old, molded, and wilted...the meat is expired and stinky...and no one cares...

so since I've been doing this, me and MMB have felt more energetic, our skin is glowing and her mood swings have subsided somewhat and I got into my size 29 seven jeans...last night as she ate a Annie Chung dinner, crackers with goat cheese and smoked salmon and celery with salt she remarked that this was a delicious quick dinner...

so I'm waiting for her to get ready cause we are going out into the warm weather to walk around and shop for spring clothes...


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

yes indeed hon, a great time, especially for smiling and walking. its beautiful down here

Julie said...

I love spring. It makes me believe that anything is possible. I mean, just seeing those daffodils and crocuses poking out of the impossible looking, cold, hard ground - if that can happen year after year - anything can happen!

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