...will kick your ass...Inappropriatebarbie took chocolate to school this morning cause I left her ass...got him there at 11...folks already knew the story so they didn't say anything...she was dressed for work and went to stores filling out applications and leaving her resume...I guess she sees that 1. folks aren't playing and 2. she's gonna fuck up and lose all she has and 3. she's a lucky chick cause she has a lot and didn't have to bust her ass for it...
she tried to run a guilt trip tonight, but I held my ground...even when she said she's gonna find someone (at nine at night) to braid chocolates hair...whatever...I didn't even think twice...
bearmaiden, what you said is true, but IAB thinks that the world is her playground and we are all put here to serve her...she really can't understand why she has to do certain things and has expressed many times that as soon as she's working she's hiring a housekeeper...already divacuntbitchken is the nanny...really...
in the midst of it, MMB has gone to her friends house...but I don't think she was around for the drama part so she's there for pleasure and not cause she can't cope with being pushed to the side while her sister runs amok...which makes me very happy...I can't believe she's entering high school...my little non-talking, strange child who squatted on the couch in her strawberry bathing suit and the red rain boots...she was the little mermaid! see she was an actress even then...
MMB is difficult as hell...she drives me CRAZY! but she is very independent and I don't have to think for her...actually she's the opposite of IAB...I have to check her cause she's a sneaky bitch...she has passwords on everything...her phone, her computer...shit she'd lock her door if I let her...well she locks it from the inside (to which I threaten to take the door off the hinges...and have done it and will do it again) but I'm talking about putting a lock with a key...like the front door type of lock...but I've managed to stay one step ahead of her and know most of what's going on...to be fair, she does tell me most things, and since I've already figured/found out I know she's telling the truth...MMB is also paranoid as hell and when/if something serious happens I will know...
so I'm in peace right now...baby's safe, IAB is angry but safe (and at home), and MMB is safe at her friends...I'm eating "glapes"..."more glapes muma, pleash", bout to go to my barbie room and hit the hay...
Fearing for our safety...
10 years ago
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