doing no work...well, I'm pretending...
I'm annoyed with the job and the teachers aren't speaking to's a copy of the email I sent to boss lady...this will tell you why they aren't speaking to me...
I had an incident with (teacher) this morning.
I walked into the room and observed that (teacher)did not put a bowl of oatmeal in front of (kid). I asked (teacher)if she was going to give him food and she said he doesn't eat. I told her that she has to put food in front of him anyway, whether he eats or not. She put raisins in front of him and he ate a few, a played with the rest. I again asked if she would give him oatmeal and she replied that since he does not eat she wanted to save the food for the next child who wants.
This is not the first incident. I observed on another occasion that they did not give (kid)pancakes, and when I inquired they gave him pancakes and he ate the whole serving.
I went back into the room and told (teacher)that I don't want a problem but it doesn't matter if a child eats or not food has to be put in front of them at every meal.
so the "clinical director", who never comes down here, was pissed cause I put "our business" out there to the site director and her administration (cause I told the kitchen and the director that they need to walk into the room and observe the feeding habits...this has been going on for a while...the teachers skimp on giving the kids food so they can take home the leftovers and feed their families...that's fine, but the food is for the kids...feed them first, then take home whatever)...last time I checked site director is the one who provides the food (we are housed in another site separate from bosslady and "clinical director")...these folks need to understand that tho I'm only the "clinical therapist", I alone, am overseeing the day to day function of this site...I told "clinical director" that from here on out I'm only doing my job...we have three children returning, and six are needed to open the classroom and full capacity is twelve...we have no headteacher, no occupational therapist, the physical therapy notes have not been filed since December and not all the medicals are up to date...I'm not busting my ass to fill this classroom, they even asked me to help find a teacher...I'm not doing that either...fuck 'em...
so I'm looking for another job...if this job cleans up it's act I will two more days my bill will be paid...
wildfire started filing notes, but her grandson came so she went out leaving the unfiled notes exposed (they are legal documents and should be locked up or at least put away at all times)...I'm not doing that shit either...
so I'm packaging one of the last three evals I'm doing...I'm not doing anymore...the ed eval was done by bosslady in may and I just picked up the report this morning...way out of the 20 day my name is signed to the overall package, I look like the fool...
Fearing for our safety...
10 years ago
This is one whistle I do not mind hearing blow.
It is great that you exposed the injustice against those kids.
pretend on
u will find one
or start your own business
Just be careful. They already know how you feel, so they will use your integrity against you. Always have another set of eyes back you up on everything. Do not nbe the lone dog on anything. And do not sign off on shit you know to be dead-ass-wrong.
Keep the faith!
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