so its not going to work with sexy...he put captions on his myspace page that showed that he still had much love for babymama...I made a big deal to expedite the inevitable. I contacted babymama letting her know respectfully where sexy and I stand and to let her know that I'm not a homewreaker and if they still had strong feelings for each other I would step off. He said no, she said yes, and we all know the woman wins. I refuse to fight for a dude, under any circumstances. It was confirmed in my mind when she left him a message and he ran out of here like a bat out of I came home and packed all his belongings and am currently waiting to hear from him so I can take his belongings to his babymamas house...incidentally he didn't come home last night and I'm assuming he stayed over there afraid to face me...but the joke is at the end of the day I really don't care...
I don't believe in dragging things out...I see which way the wind is blowing and I'm out...if its ment to be, it will be...if not I've saved myself years of back and forth bullshit and a broken heart.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't sad, but I was single for twelve years so it's really not the end of the world.
Fearing for our safety...
10 years ago
Well, I for one am sorry, cuz as jaded and bitter as I am I still hold out hope. So I hope you don't count me as a "naysayer". I only say "keep boundaries" mainly until some time has passed. You know, like 10 years or something like that. OK, maybe 7. They say that 7-year itch is a bitch. If you make it past that you should be OK.
The only other comment is, ain't life interesting. 10 years ago we'd be like "Myspace what?" and now it can make or break a relationship. Which is why I will not have Nene as a "friend" on my page. I let it play out in real life cuz I'd make myself crazy otherwise...
yeah, I definitely got sucked into the bullshit...even choclahontas said that...however, you can gauge a persons thoughts and actions- even if it is their fantasy. I just couldn't let it go...he says I played into her BS but after idiot I had to make sure...if he felt a certain way about me he would've stood up for me...
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