choclahontas is really being difficult...Bearmaiden says to put her out...yeah that would be great, but she has no job, no money and no where to go...and since (she reminds me often)she pays the rent here and on time, she really doesn't have to go anywhere or listen to what I have to say...
She is not dealing with tunner at all...she let pita take him everyday from 9 or 11 to 4...he gets him two overnights a week...I'm not opposed to pita taking the baby, but when tunner comes home, she is either not around or she will come home, give him a bath and then leave the house before hes asleep "I'm out"..."where are you going?" "out" "no, get back here and put your child to sleep"...that, most nights, disintegrates into him screaming hysterically and her getting agitated and saying "you want powpow? stop it" as she has the tv the morning she wont get up till around 10 till tunner is walking in circles saying "cmine, woofa, cmine mama woofa"...or he will just go downstairs and try to go in the fridge...
I generally go to sleep before anyone, so tunner is put in my, he wont sleep in her room, he wakes up and gets in my bed.
So tonight, she actually picked him up from his father, and came home...I thought she gave him a bath, so when she wanted to walk her friend to the train, I said sure...tunner and I read, then he pulled on his pamper and said "doodoo, peepee"...I touched his pamper and realized that he hadn't been changed in hours...I put him in the tub and fell asleep putting him to sleep...choclahontas came in but I didn't know it...
She cleaned her room by stuffing things in her closet...her clothes haven't been washed in going on two to three months, and she hasn't emptied her bag from the pow wow...
she told me she's going out...I told her no, she couldn't go out because she came in at five this morning...she told me I'm annoying her, and nagging her and since she pays rent I can't tell her what to do...I said yeah well you're a mother and I'm not watching your kid, I'm putting him in your bed...she said she doesn't care...I told her she has been avoiding tunner, and not spending quality time with him...her response was that is her problem and I need to leave her the fuck alone...I told her not to go out, but she slammed out the house anyway...I'm sure she wont be back until five or six in the morning, where she will sleep through tunners breakfast, and then get up to ship him to his father.
yes, putting her out would be great, but I would have to find an apartment and pay for it...she didn't register for school, she's not looking for a job, and when she does want a job, she tries to apply for something she is so not qualified for.
She does NOTHING...I can't even get her to clean up tunners highchair when he finishs eating, or throwing out his shitty diapers...she has TWO cellphones, but basically has run out of money cause she spent it on pita...
I told her today, if her ADHD is that bad she has three choices...
1.get medication 2.develop aids to help her get through the day or 3. get the fuck out, to which she replied "I don't have to, I pay rent".
Moodmagicbarb is her infinite wisdom asked me "well, since you let choclahontas talk to you crazy and she doesn't do anything around the house, why should I be respectful and do things?" I told her well, she's 20, and what she is doing is not right, and please don't act like her it really stressed me far so good...
So bearmaiden, if your advice is putting her out, shes coming to live with you...but I'm sure you will have to come and pack her shit, and I'm sure you will be stuck with the baby regularly...I'm sure you can do a better job of handling her than me because I'm done...
Fearing for our safety...
10 years ago