Friday, February 27, 2009

the love is over...

...I will say it's me this time...I totally admit that I look down on common folk...I worked really hard to get where I am...I'm working really hard to get to the next goals this year are to pass the LCSW and start my PhD...
I can't be around folk who are satisfied with being where they are...
tonite, in a RARE occurrence, MMB spent the night out...all I wanted to do was go to a nice restaurant, have a drink and relax...I was looking forward to it all day...but NO...this idiot takes me to a ghetto fab chinese/spanish diner...where I was offered a fucking NUTCRACKER...I realized that it's never a good idea to date folk who are below just is not going to work...
yes, I should have be's probably all he can afford...but SHIT...are you fucking serious? yes, I should accept folk for who and what they are...but I always say you can be where I am if you work the way I did...I'm not better, but I bust my ass...
anywho...I've decided that I NEED to be by the time I get thru the drama of MMB accepting folk, and dealing with that person and all they bring, I just don't have the energy for anything else...
so FUCK IT...I'm going to happily spend the rest of my life by myself...go where I want to, buy what I want to...not have to hear anybody complain or not accept, make comments or anything...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

a quick note

before I start working...

first off Kudo's to all who take nyc public mass transit...I did it all week...lugging my sunshine...I remember doing it with my kids when I was younger and had a little more energy...I can't do it...I'm counting down the hours till I get my car back...I must say I like the exercise and maybe next year when sunshine goes to another school I might take mass transit but for now...HELL NO...
I've pretty much always had a car...I hate parking, but I like going to places on my own time and most importantly I LOVE not having to deal with folks and their issues first thing in the morning...

The honeymoon phase is in it's middle stages...I'm struggling with the lab's not that he's doing anything in particular, he's just breathing my air...literally...he's in love, I'm least not as much as he is...I wonder if I'm relationship's been so long...

anyway...of to work I later...I promise...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hello world..

or just blogworld anyway...
life is going so fast that I can't keep my promise to write now I'm working on once a week...or once a month...
is the newness wearing off? is it that one's just writing thoughts/fears/anger/happiness to the world and don't know who's there reading it? are we narcissistic and only write for the comments? has been crazy...this time last week I was getting ready to take poppy to the hospital...he had a raging infection that ALL his doctors overlooked...we knew he had an infection, but I'll be damned if the doctors don't know more than he went in, stayed for two days, got the antibiotics he needed and now he's on the road to recovery...doctors should listen to their patients and their families...I don't have a medical degree and don't pretend to know it all but I KNOW my if I'm telling you he has an infection, take a blood test...

Moodmagicbarbie, who really isn't having too many magic moods anymore, is doing really well...she's grabbed a hold of herself in school and has accepted herself for the quirky rock and roll loving person she is...this makes life a lot easier...
choclahontas has started college...she also is grabbing a hold of herself and life...she has finally surrounded herself with a good and positive circle of friends and family...

and my Labrador puppy...he is a true sweetheart...he stands back and lets me be me...he puts me under no pressure and admires that I'm the backbone of this family (bearmaiden is the brain, bigbear is the skin, sunshine is the heart, the sun is the ego, choclahotas is the id, MMB is the superego, and poppy is the appendages)...he has his moments, as do we all, but I see that he strives to be a better person...there are times when I see him not being in touch with his feelings, but when I call it to his attention we talk about it...
he is a little intimidated that I make WAY more than he does, but I've told him how he can make more money...COLLEGE...he is amiable and is looking into school for september...he wants us to get married and move down south...I told him in order for that to happen he has to have a degree...incentive...
but he's cool...I can still tolerate him...tried to dump him last week but it wasn't happening...

so that's life in a nutshell...I really can't complain that much...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hey world...

I'm not keeping my promise about writing every day...I sit and look at this blank square and then say "naw, not tonite"...
a lot has been going beautiful choclahontas enrolled in college and started her first class today...this is huge...she has a full course load...I know she will do well and I know she will finish...I just wish she had some kind of financial independence...I don't know what's going to happen on march 1st when the rent is due cause no one has it...

It's almost time to search for a new name for moodmagicbarbie...she is not as moody as she used to be...this is a good thing...she is really growing up and maturing...she still berates me when we talk, and she still does not accept me for who I am, but that will change in time...I'm a little worried that at 14 she's not social...she'd much prefer to sit in her room with the door tightly shut and locked then go out with friends...but then again, I'm sure when she hits 18, 19, 20, she will be a party whore...or maybe not...I just don't want her to look back on this time and regret not having fun...also being locked in the room with your own thoughts you can develop a distorted sense of self...

I'm worried about Poppy...he is in chronic pain, he's not eating and all he wants to do is sleep...bigbear takes all the brunt cause poppy won't hear of us doing anything...I sat with him one day...asked him repeatedly if he needed juice or food...he said no...the MOMENT bigbear walked in he started telling her he was hungry and wanted juice...

I'm changing wiseman's name to Labrador...I swear he is like a freakin lab puppy that bowls you over with affection the moment you walk in the door...I do like him, he has no ulterior motive, there are no "BUTS" with him...he is proving to be who he says he is, and what he says he is...but careful what you ask for cause you might just get it...the affection is OVERWHELMING...I have to tell him "slow down speedy Gonzalez, let me breath"...he's not Russian hands and roaming fingers or anything like that, and I do like the affection but DAMN, I'm not used to this...I can see myself with him for a while and he does make me happy but I'm still at the stage that if he were to bounce, or I saw a side I did not like or tolerate I wouldn't miss him if he left...

so that's my life in a nutshell...