...Bearmaiden fixed my computer...
alot has happened in the short time I was away...I can't go into details right now cause I am dead tired, but to make a long story short
middlenamehat: I have a date to go lunchtime jogging with my dreadlocked cutie (well, he's not exactly fine, but not ugly either, not that it should matter, I'm just being shallow)...I really like him and I'm
working on not sabotaging this...but his birthday is the day before
idiots...I'm trying to keep an open mind and not write him off before I
know him due to this technicality...
mamahat:choclahontas and pita are not getting along, he had a semi-nervous breakdown, and they are wreaking my house fighting. He punched in the bedroom door and I came home to a waterfight all over my kitchen...ugh...
clinicianhat:I found out that I AM getting a raise in September and they might pay us retro for the last year...yea...the folks I work with are still dumb (except for Pompeii and wildfire)...I will go into that later...
professorhat:I've been asked back and right no I'm only teaching one class in the fall, but that can change...
Fearing for our safety...
10 years ago
Yeah, you're finally back! I've been wondering how life was going these days and missing out on the daily going ons... I'm suffering from withdrawl...lol...
Glad that your computer got fixed. Looking forward to all your posts in the future.
when I get the energy, I will fill int the juicy details...
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