this was a comment I left on another blog...I'm feeling so down I'm going to repost it...
I make 41,000 a year at two jobs…I have a masters and work full time…I'm a single mom with one child in my home and the other living down the street with my grandson…my rent is 50% of my income…my student loans have morphed from 37,000 in 2004 to 63,000 to date…they want me to pay 300 a month…I cant so I have to apply for an economic deferment which will make my loan amount grow...
it takes 90 a week to fill up my car…but I make too much for any kind of help…they are what you’d call middle class…but in reality I’m poor…I’m fighting to not live on my credit card…I have no food…don’t buy clothes and can’t get my hair and nails done…
with 150,000 I could pay off all my bills…make a dent in my student loans…put some money aside for a few months emergency rent…get some much needed clothes and put some savings away...
folk just don't care...I guess cause I'm "that one" I'm lazy, shiftless and if I worked harder I could have what they have...but what can I do? if I pack up and move elsewhere will it really be better? will my living be better?
MMB took my bank card and took my last 10.00...and is denying it even when the evidence is stacked against her...choclahontas is hanging on to folk that are not benefiting her...pita (chocolates father) is attempting to dictate to me what I'm supposed to do with his kid...I told him I only follow the court order...
I have no money which means 1.)I have to pay my car insurance, food and house supplies on my credit card and 2.)I have no money...period...
so folk, will moving be better? I have known to be "impetuous" and "impulsive" and do shit...I'm ready to pack up...not pay a months rent and get the fuck out of dodge...but again, will it really be better?
will MMB stop trying to act like I'm the worst mother in the world who denies her needs and "put her on the back burner"? will choclahontas stop acting like the folk I took her from as a baby? will chocolate have a better life? will I ultimately have a better life?
Fearing for our safety...
10 years ago
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