Hello one and all, and Fatlady who is anxiously waiting...I would love to say I didn't post because I was on vacation or I went away...NOT...Its just been a hectic month for me.
1.) I was totally burned out from the year and waiting for my vaca to start. I could barely get up in the morning and when I got home I did not have the energy to do anything other than scrub my feet (the product of wearing flipflops in the city...I know bearmaiden it wouldn't be like that in Florida) and go to bed...with my tunner laying next to me kicking the shit out of my back.
2.) pita and choclahontas have broken up and he has offically moved out of my house...well I had to put his ass out. I'm allergic to drama and he was bringing the fighting/powerandcontrol/punchingtheroomdoor shit to my house. It all came to a head when he spun out of control and I had to call the cops...he's not my child or my man and I DONT have to figure shit out...GET THE FUCK OUT...and if he was my man he still would have to GET THE FUCK OUT and wouldn't care enough to figure shit out. I DONT tolerate drama/bullshit.
So that night he wanted to talk, she ran away. He did not respect me or the house and chased her...when I sent him on his way the bastard climbed my terrace and came into the house...she ran out screaming he dragged her in the street at the foot of exist 1 where a bigrig existing for hunts point could have flattened them like a pancake...I sent the girls and tunner to the neighbors house...he banged on the door and the father of my neighbor called the cops to...so five cop cars and fifteen cops later I couldn't/didn't want his ass in my house...I told his mama and aunt to come get their psychoboy.
3.) my beloved stepdaughter-lazycrazybarbie, who I raised (another LONG story I promise to tell later) came to the end of her parents. Her daddy, idiot-who is moodmagicbarbs bio father, and the only father choclahontas has ever known- does not want lazycrazybarb to be with me...partly cause he knows we have a mother daughter bond and its to punish me, and partly cause he loves to exert power and control over any women in his life.
Ok I have to tell part of the story so you will understand...when I went out with idiot he had children during our relationship...I tolerated the two older girls, dingybarbie and lazycrazybarbie because they were born/concieved before we got together. I raised these girls...I spent all my time with lazycrazybarb...I got her when she was four months old...I would pick her up on tuesday morning and keep her until saturday night...later when sexoffenderken was born, I raised him too (he swore to me that sexoffenderken was not his biologically, but he was going to raise him...I wondered but have a softspot in my heart for all children under ten)...I drew the line with yodaken cause he is eleven months to the day younger than moodmagicbarbie.
when I lived all the way uptown, near the rock, I was a big happy family by myself with the kids cause idiot was out making yodaken plus developing another longterm relationship with the whiner (who he is still with today, along with a few other longterm girlfriends who all think they are the only ones).
So lazycrazybarbie got tired of her parents. Her mother, foreveryoung, really pays her no attention and defers everything to idiot, who really pays her no attention except to tell her what to do/not to do, which generally makes no sense. Hes a teacher but lazycrazybarb has been to minimum twelve schools...yes, I tell no lies... lazycrazybarbie has had an absese in her mouth for about two years...she was in constant pain and her teeth were shifting.
Her parents kept putting off taking her to the dentist and when she finally went they told her she would lose all her front teeth as well as some molars because of the infection...so needless to say she was hurt/angry/pissed...they took her to the dentist, one absese was drained, but she still needs major work (and hopefully they can save the teeth)...but idiot decided that coaching summer basketball is more important and started his tour across the country (oh yeah, that's why I havent recieved child support in three months...he said he needed the money to travel) and foreveryoung was too busy being young and fly (in her forties) to pay attention...
so lazycrazybarb called ACS on her parents...well, foreveryoung knew I didn't do it cause I told her if I did I would have told her, but idiot took it to a new level...he does not believe that he has done anything that would warrent his daughter hating him...so the threats/cursing/namecalling (I'm a cockeyed fat bitch) began...but between me and bigbear (who, for some reason he decided to call) shut his shit down lovely...I told him he's DEAD to me.
So she tells the ACS worker she wants to live with me...foreveryoung said she "please take her" and idiot said nothing to them but continued to leave horrible messages on cholahontas's phone...no, not my phone, that's why hes an idiot...threatening me bodily harm, and he was gonna call the cops on me...what the fuck ever...I told him you really don't scare me so it's best that you shut the fuck up...
the worker, upon learning that I am a social worker, told me that this is a HUGE MESS and that she understands that I love lazycrazybarb, but I really need to stay out of it...so I am...LCB was returned to her mom (who took her to Las Vegas, but her teeth still havent been fixed). I told LCB that I will alway love her and always be there for her...she understands cause she really does not want me involved in this mess...
So that's why I haven't had the time or energy to post...
Oh yeah, and the sun is in cali...and I have to help/support bearmaiden aka stalkerbarbie as she misses her peanutbutter...(I totally understand, but would not feel the same way cause I wish SOMEONE would take them ALL away)
Moodmagicbarbie said screw them all and has been at her bestfriends house for the last two weeks...the mama called and said "Your child is coming home on the 17th with my child who I don't want to see until the first day of school"...that's how we do it, it's a CPE thing...
Fearing for our safety...
10 years ago
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